amps, etc…
I went round and round on amps for years but have finally settled on the Fender Super bassman 300. It’s heavy and expensive but it gives me that rich, saturated tube tone that I’m after. That’s what I use live. But it also has a very nice integrated DI that I’ve used with good success in the studio. Then I also have an ACME Motown DI and an Aguilar Tone Hammer Pre-amp/DI. I’ve had great success stringing the two of those together in the studio, plugging my bass into the Aguilar and then plugging that into the ACME. The Aguilar gives me to tonal control that I need while the ACME provides that vintage saturation I can’t get from the Aguilar alone. The two together create a signal with a ton of character, especially with the Aguilar’s AGS circuit engaged. I also have the full Amplitube suite that I can record through if there’s a particular tone you want me to go for.
I use Mogami cables for everything. And if anyone tries to tell you cables don’t matter they’re wrong. They do. And the Mogamis are great.